1·There is an argument that screening catches tiny tumours that would never have grown, meaning women go through unnecessary worry and treatment.
2·But recent news reports have incorrectly suggested that all women may be at increased risk of heart disease, causing much unnecessary worry and fear.
3·If they are negative, or untested, they might resent you keeping it to yourself, adding unnecessary worry about any risk of infection they might have been in.
4·This worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now.
5·False-positive results from routine cancer screening can cause undue worry and in some cases lead to unnecessary biopsies or treatments, experts note.
《家庭医疗年报》5/6 月刊发表了一项研究,专家们说,常规癌症筛查的假阳性结果会引起过度焦虑,有时导致不必要的活组织检查或者治疗。
6·This may sound confusing, but in practice you don't really need to worry about the details; the important thing is that this ACTS to filter out unnecessary information.
7·Critics worry the changes are an unnecessary invasion of privacy and would only make citizens and businesses more vulnerable to identity theft and espionage.
8·The two most unnecessary emotions in life are guilt and worry.
9·Yet some of his own advisers also privately worry about his penchant for picking unnecessary fights and drifting off message.
10·However, I think it is unnecessary to worry about it.